Monday, 8 February 2010

Mini on the Monte - Day 4/5

Here are some really bad photos of the last day and night : the stage from Valence to Monaco (day) and Monaco to Monaco (night).
A long long stage again, everyone was exhausted but really happy to cross the finish line and even more happy when we knew that our Cooper S was the only Mini on the 12 engaged to get throught every stage of this Monte Carlo Rally !!! What a victory for us.
So you got now all the "backstage photos". We will send you very soon "in action" pictures.
Thank you very much to Minisport for support and quality parts. Thank you to all the team for keeping smile and good mind even on bad moments. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed our adventure.
See you soon on French Tour Auto 2010 with 3 (yes three !!!) Cooper S in our team.
Very best regards.
WG British Racing

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